Camp Barnabas

This past week i brought a group of students to an amazing place called Camp Barnabas!  Barnabas is a special needs camp in Purdy Missouri that tries their hardest to give kids with disabilities a week of “normal” camp!  Our students went in as counselors and “barnstormers”.  Our students who went in as barnstormers were the hardest working people at the camp…they served the food, cleaned the dishes, washed the bathrooms, and so much more!!  They did AWESOME!

Our students who went as counselors had a totally different experiance and were given the responsibility of caring for one camper with a disability!  talk about responsibility!!  these studetns did amazing!  they became the most selfless people in a weeks time! 

If you are looking for a place to serve Jesus in a different way than ever before please check out IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!

~ by pastordarryl on July 6, 2009.

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