On the plane

Well I’m officially on my way to Chicago for the Simply Youth Ministry Conference.  I’m not overly excited about this flight…5 ½ hours.  Crazy long butt numbing flight but on the bright side I have a whole row to myself!!  I’ll be stretching out my long self in an attempt to take a long nap.  This is a rare event for me because I’m often way too cramped on a plane!  Kinda excited about it!

As I sit here and type this I’m looking out the window of the plane and am witnessing the beauty of our God.  We are high above the clouds and the sun is shining!  Gorgeous, serene, breath taking, and amazing are all terms that come to my mind.  I’m by no means a rookie flyer but I never cease to be amazed when faced with this scene!

I can’t wait for this weekend.  I feel like God has been preparing my heart for something big and I am open to that!  Im excited to learn, laugh, listen, love, and probably even cry a little! (what can I say I’m a crier)  I look forward to time spent alone with God, time spent with others who love students and Jesus as much as I do, and leaders who have been doing this a lot longer than I have!  I’ve only been a full-time youth pastor for 5 years and still have a lot to learn!  I love to listen to the wisdom of guys that have been in youth ministry for 15-20 years!  Those guys have seen it all and have tons of wisdom to share!

I will be blogging and twittering the whole time I’m there on my experience and look forward to hearing some feedback from some of you as well!

I will miss home for the week (my wife, my kids, my students, and my church family) but I know God is going to rock me some this week at the same time!

I love you all! God Bless!

Pastor D

~ by pastordarryl on February 25, 2010.

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