MLK Jr day

Well today is Martin Luther King Jr Day and as we remember this man who stood for equal rights and people all being treated as God’s creation I can’t help but look at the world that my son is going to experience.  Love him or Hate him Barack Obama is going to be our next president and outside of his political beliefs I am excited that my son will grow up seeing an African American President!  This is a far cry from when my parents were born or when i was born.  It is an exciting time to be alive. 

So today let us remember that we are all God’s creations and all loved by the creator of this world no matter what our beliefs are or what political party we align ourselves with…God still loves us ALL the same!

~ by pastordarryl on January 19, 2009.

One Response to “MLK Jr day”

  1. Well, it’s all wonderful, but I don’t trust him, (Obama) futher than I could throw my Ranger pick-up. We’ll see what the coming year brings. For those w/ ears to hear, and eyes to see, take note.

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